Wednesday, May 24, 2006
gay gay gay
i noticed a few guys carrying those long rectangular bags.. u noe those kind of rugged cloth bags which u can find easily at bugis street? in the first place i tout these bags r more suitable for girls.. n these guys r carrying it the way gals carry their bags: hang it over their shoulders.. n the handle of the bag is not tat big so the bag is like rite underneath their armpit.. dun they noe they look v gay carrying those bags?? carry these kind of bags oredi a bit gay.. carry it the gals' way.. super gay. juz as i was thinking how gay the guy looked, one guy boarded the bus and flipped out a pink razr to toke.. wah piang.. the ultimate gay of 'em all
went to view another flat tdy.. again got things to hiam.. lets c.. 1st flat was size not big enuff, near mosque so can hear free chantings.. 2nd flat was v nice, free furniture n ready-to-move-in condition.. size bigger oso.. but at the highest level so got water seepage.. 3rd flat was even bigger, nice scenery.. but too old n oni cheaper from the 2nd flat by 5k.. 4th flat even even bigger.. nice renovations.. but near main road so v noisy.. n got corridor so not v convenient
i think the agent muz b quite fed up wif us liao.. like more n more expectations coming up.. basically the current list of no-nos r:
- size muz b big.. else no pt moving
- cannot b highest level.. water seepage
- renovation muz b nice.. so can save renovation fees
- cannot b near main road.. too noisy
- cannot have corridor.. not safe.. better to have a corner flat
i think there r more to come.. when we have found a flat i think it will b our turn to b hiam-ed by prospective buyers liao
Woof! Woof! @ 9:50 PM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
this few wks been going out wif colleagues for lunch.. cos one of them got car so we will travel to other places to eat.. everytime we reach new place den my colleague will ask me if i have been there b4.. everytime i will say no.. until i paiseh n doubt whether im singaporean or not.. but in the first place i cant think of any reasons y i would want to go there unless im living near there or my frens ask me to go there.. which is not v possible since they r not the usual shopping haunts aniway..
so i think the reasons y they have been there b4 r: they have own transport, can travel.. or they have frens who like to travel around sgp eating gd food.. or they super boliao.. or they went there wif their dates b4.. somehow the "compulsory" activity during dating is to travel around sgp.. so.. its pretty understandable y i nvr been to those places b4.. haha
den during the journey we will c some drivers tat drive too slowly.. most of them r female.. -.-.. theres this female driver who followed the lines on the expressway all the way to the end when she could have cut out to the merged line earlier n so wont end up holding up the cars behind.. n theres this other female driver who kept driving in n out of the parking slot without turning the steering wheel so tats y the car forever slanted.. of cos they all got criticized by my colleague.. im scared tat when i start driving den i will become one of these drivers.. duno kena cursed n hurled abuse by how mani ppl driving behind.. but for now at least im taking public transport even though i dun realli like its frequency, its duration n its passengers.. -__-
i told my father im buying digicam.. he said buy lor.. yay! so scared he will say the film camera will become redundant blahblahblah.. den i will feel so guilty for buying a new one.. im so looking fwd to the pc show nxt wk.. give me more freebies! my colleague bought his lumix fx9 in japan.. oni 400+! here in sgp sell 699.. buy in japan plus the sd card n battery oso cheaper than here i think.. if can go there travel n buy den can kill two birds wif one stone.. haa
Woof! Woof! @ 10:03 PM
Monday, May 22, 2006
finally got rid of the virus.. reformatted my comp.. now its free n clean.. yeah. i used to worship those ppl who can reformat their pcs.. sounds so cool.. now tat i noe how to do liao.. chey. nothing much.. so easy.. now my fren "worships" me like idol.. when she start reformat her comp tmr den i will have one fan lesser liao.. haa
my mobile service provider v 贱.. by rite if the hp's right soft key can be changed to direct to whichever menu, den the left soft key shld b able to change oso.. but no.. the left key is fixed to direct to the internet.. n my hp sometimes so slow until i fed up n press the key twice.. den it will launch the browser.. even though i quickly press the end key n the splash screen is still white, it will still show XXX bytes transferred.. n den nxt mth's bill will add extra 10 cents for tat data which i din even use.. tmd. how despo can they b to earn my $$ this way.. not everybody appreciate the "convenience" of launching the browser from the idle screen ok
went to view 2 flats.. the prev one was quite nice but got water seepage n room not as big as the second one.. the second one v old n need renovations but the space looks bigger.. both of them out.. cos first one got water seepage.. den the second one oni 5k cheaper.. do renovations liao sure exceed tat.. i think it will b v long long time later b4 we find the ideal flat.. rite now the easiest n ideal way is to renovate our flat.. den get my bro to marry n move out.. den we not oni have the space but oso the renovated flat.. free of debts oso.. yeah. but fat hope.. easier said than done
Woof! Woof! @ 10:46 PM
Saturday, May 20, 2006
da vinci code
i wanted to blog abt the da vinci code movie but the moment i start up some applications den it will give the error message and say it needs to close.. TMD. i think kena virus oredi.. but duno which virus.. the stupid norton had better scan out some virus soon.. as long as i ignore the message the app still can work though.. but prob is a new msg will pop up whenever i open a new app.. @#$#@$#@$
aniway the movie was so-so.. too over-hyped tats y it backfired.. luckily i dun realli remember the story so its still watchable.. but my fren can still remember n she said a lot of parts were skipped.. the mona lisa pic oni appeared in one scene for a few secs.. n its the poster for the movie leh.. den the quest is like so easily solved when in fact in the story it was much more tedious.. i was hoping to c those places of interests which were featured in the story.. NOTHING. its like featured so much in the newspapers but in the movie u dun even realise the beauty of the place.. well at least after watching the movie i can remember the story better oredi
b4 the movie mi n my fren went for lunch.. i ordered my first 韩国拌饭.. was looking forward to tasting it cos its always featured in those cuisine shows.. there was this kid standing behind me.. kept blabbering some rubbish blahblahblah.. den when my food came he was blabbering wat i ordered this den different from wat they ordered.. dun have this dun have tat.. -______-.. the mother den said "这个是大长今煮的饭 lor".. now i noe y the kid is like tat.. cos the mother oso like tat.. pass comments on my food like im non-existent like tat.. i shld turn around n tell them "ur food is $1.30 more ex than mine n yet it looks like shit".. hows tat huh
aniway so much for the expectation.. its juz like a bowl of 杂菜饭.. 拌阿拌.. 拌阿拌.. n the egg became non-existent.. -___-.. cant c cant taste.. nvm.. at least got the 锅巴.. the hosts always say its the essence of 石锅拌饭.. finally eat to the bottom liao.. WAH LAO. the rice all stuck to the bottom.. not oni no 锅巴.. the rice cannot b eaten oso.. so wasteful..
Woof! Woof! @ 6:38 PM
Friday, May 19, 2006
beer brewery trip
my co organized a trip to the brewery yest n i went cos nvr been there b4.. but actually the tour was juz a short one.. everybody went wif the aim of drinking free flow of beer at discounted price.. -.-
the tour guide briefed us on the history of the brewery first.. after tat she brought us to the factory where the steamers were.. super hot n stuffy.. nothing much to c cos everything is inside the giantic steamers.. after tat we went to the packaging area where the bottles were cleaned n filled n packed.. oso nothing much cos we were too high up.. can oni c the bottles moving around
the tour was quite fast.. after tat we went to a mini pub where everybody started drinking like free.. got tiger beer abc heineken n guiness stout.. i tried my first mug of tiger beer.. *puke*.. super bitter n yucky.. duno y ppl like to drink beer so much.. dun want to waste so i finished the whole mug.. den i oso tried half cup of heineken.. my colleagues say it tastes better than tiger.. *puke*.. super yucky oso.. den whenever someone raise the mug to drink everybody will go cheers.. so mafan so i quickly gulped down the remaining beer.. haa. oni 1 1/2 mug of beer n they say im a gd drinker.. wat i say i duno how to drink yet can drink so much.. *scratch head*.. got 2 of them drank 5-6 mugs like nthing.. another oni drank a bit den face became guan gong liao.. i was feeling a bit hot so i asked my colleague whether my face is red.. he laughed n said yes.. -.-.. den i asked the guan gong but i think he din hear wat i was asking n juz said yes.. when i went to toilet to check den i realised i was tricked -_________-
some interesting facts abt beer: drinking beer is actually gd for health.. 2 glasses of beer a day can prevent heart attack n high blood pressure.. den drinking beer wont cause beer belly.. its cos it increases one's appetite n eat more tats y will have belly.. eating durian n taking hot shower after drinking beer can kill.. this one my colleagues say one.. supposedly cos its too heaty oredi
my ops manager quitting tdy so we had a farewell buffet for lunch.. also made use of this opp to take photos of different project groups.. i din realise my department so few gals as compared to guys.. O.O.. the pics too high quality so file size quite big.. mayb i shrink liao den upload to frenster.. heh
Woof! Woof! @ 8:33 PM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
din blog for one wk n the tagboard got spammed.. heh the blog so few readers still can get spammed
this wk pretty boring.. thurs the big boss from overseas dropped by n we had a short meeting.. he said he knew my name.. -__-.. i doubt tats a gd thing.. mayb he noticed my name after the big fat airhead blew the matter out of proportion.. den blahblahblah toke abt the pdt tat we r working on.. seems like they r going to let the customer test the pdt liao.. if they nt happy or the pdt fail to work den our reputation will b dented.. looking at the no of defects tat got detected now.. i think its quite likely tat the pdt is not up to standard.. haa
watched mission impossible 3.. nt bad.. but think the first show is better.. this mth got mani shows to watch.. x-men 3 n da vinci code.. after tat got pc show.. den i think nthing to look fwd to liao.. n 2 long mths without public holidays :(
Woof! Woof! @ 4:35 PM
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
my father helped to collect the walkman yest.. wah piang its so big n heavy.. look at the pic like so sleek n small..
but in actual fact the size is like this BIG lor..
v de ugly.. silver one.. i tout its purple.. n the front is glass one so can put a lot of thumbprints on it.. -___-.. but free one lah cant complain too much.. n looks can b deceiving.. when i tried listening to music on it the sound effect was solid.. can act as external harddisk oso.. so actually its quite gd.. but they shld realli make it lighter.. its like carrying a rock around for a portable mp3 player.. n i compared it with my colleague's ipod nano.. its like 大乌见小乌 tdy morn got water shortage.. -_-.. cos the water pipe outside the flat burst so the water supply was turned off.. u nvr realise the imptance of water until u lose it.. duno how the ppl can survive the water rationing.. luckily come back den the water supply was restored cos the pipe was fixed.. my colleague said since election is coming, we shld tell them tat we will vote for whoever tat will fix the pipe for us.. haha. gd idea.. but up till now i still haven see ani MP.. oni the boards n the loudspeaker lorry.. -.-..
Woof! Woof! @ 9:51 PM
Monday, May 01, 2006
fruitful day
yest was a v gd day.. first we went shopping n bought a hair straightener n hair dryer.. at first tout it was too ex.. but when the salesgirl did a demo on pig's hair den tat was it.. instantly straight! can u imagine.. 猪的毛 straight leh.. wah den v tempted to buy liao.. but muz buy more than $100 den can get free frying pan.. so bought hair dryer oso lor.. aniway was thinking of buying one.. can use part of progress package to pay.. hehe
b4 tat we were walking past the osim stall when the salesman asked us to try the i-squeeze.. wah v shiok when the machine started squeezing the feet.. but den a bit too bulky.. quite paiseh cos i din intend to buy so dun dare to look at the salesman.. den when he toke to me i din hear it n it was oni when pig told me den i noe he was toking to me.. ask lao ma to go try oso so if we dun buy its cos of her decision n not mine.. hehe
she said too bulky dun want.. den we went to look at uzap but nvr try.. i was telling pig we can use i-squeeze on the feet, uzap on the waist n sit on i-gallop.. den can achieve all the effects simultaneously.. haha. walk one round den my mum went back to the stall to look at the steam cleaner.. the salesman saw us again den did a demo on the cleaner.. again we nvr buy.. haa. so paiseh
shop finished liao came back wanting to play wif the hair one.. den i rcved a letter from sony saying i won a sony walkman! nw-a3000.. i checked the internet n its a 20gb mp3 player! wah shiok.. first time so lucky.. cut so mani newspapers lucky draw coupons den first time win something.. worth $499.. but den not tat mani mp3 to store.. :(.. tmr ask my father help me go collect.. :D
lao ma used her curly hair to try the hair straightener.. instantly straight.. haha. luckily nvr try whole head.. otherwise look so weird..
Woof! Woof! @ 4:39 PM