Saturday, December 29, 2007

my "2nd prettiest" day

yest i tried on 2 wedding gowns, hee. so heavy n difficult to wear sia. c dramas the bfs will always stand up n eyes n mouth open wide wide den they will say "u look so beautiful!".. but mine dun have leh.. sian. oni stand up n look at me.. haha. mayb cos my hair v messy n i walk like a duck with the heavy gown n 4 inch platform shoes -__-''. mayb i shld walk out slow motion myself so got more of the drama "feel".. hahaha

the first one was v fitting n got mani beads but the comment was it look old-fashioned -__-. cant tell from the mirror.. the second one was loose but it looked nicer. mayb cos its more pong pong.. haa. the lady say need to put padding on top cos i dun have enough "ahem".. T.T. wanted to try evening gowns for fun but end up just looked at a few designs oni. looks not bad.. aniway i oso duno wats the fashion trend now.. haha

2008 will b a v clean new yr cos we just did spring cleaning for my room just now. the pig's bed bugs not oni bit her but oso bit me -__-. supposed to clean the bed but my mum say shun bian clean the whole room since renovation almost completed. -_____- so now we got a quite clean room as compared to previous yrs where we nvr do any spring cleaning.. haha. hopefully all the bed bugs get killed! realli itchy...

Woof! Woof! @ 4:09 PM


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

bunch of idiots

idiot #1: overseas counterparts

1 mth ago my colleague happily went for her holiday n i took over her saikang which turned out to b a mafan saikang. worked on it for like one week n the idiot was included in the cc emails but he nvr even reply. den when its close to completion date, he suddenly ask y r we making so mani changes n its going to cost a big impact n we cannot finish the issue yet blahblahblah. watever, aniway not my business. tat was b4 i went for my travel trip.. after i came back, he still say cannot finish it n he will check n get back to us.. after which there was no news. now its oni 3 days left b4 i move to the new team n the idiot suddenly panicked cos he scared he will take over the saikang. started stalking me on IM in the afternoon when i was away for training. came back n walao, sent so many messages. call for last min conf call n gave many comments on y we do this y we do tat n want us to do investigation n close the issue b4 we change team cos "we r the ones who worked on this from the beginning n we r the best person to close it". like wth.. he was the one who dragged n dragged n now oni left 3 days den want us to check this check tat n mayb even need to redo everything. seriously i cant even b bothered to chup him, just check n give him something n den dump him the rest after 3 days. realli MF (shortform for something, its up to ur imagination)

idiot #2: renovation guy
came back n my family were arguing over something. turned out its the stupid renovation guy who insisted on doing the tiles for the bedroom toilet first n the kitchen toilet last den end up we cannot use the kitchen toilet for bathing cos the tiles r not dry yet. from wat i heard it seems the guy got attitude prob n kept insisting on doing things his own way.. even spoilt one of the toilet lamp which we just bought recently. @%@$^@$ asked them to complain to the renovation company n they say the guy in charge is not around. realli bad experience with them.. was still thinking of hiring them if i got my new flat.. IF. now i got to reconsider seriously

idiot thing #3: hdb flat
talking abt hdb flat, 5000+ ppl bid for 300+ flats n i got queue number 1000+. even an idiot oso can tell the odds of getting a flat. nxt yr will have 7000 new flats coming out, but i seriously doubt it will b those ready to move in flats.. most likely it will b BTO flats again which will take around 4 yrs.. i wonder when will they ever wake up their idea tat BTO flats r realli not helping much. the oni hope is to pray hard for the property market to crash realli badly n buy some resale flats.. larger than new flats n more worthwhile

Woof! Woof! @ 6:45 PM


Sunday, December 23, 2007


i broke a mirror this morning -__-. seems to have an affinity with glass this mth. broke one glass pot n now a mirror.. argh. the renovation company realli cannot make it. so disorganized.. duno wat they doing. nvr coordinate between themselves n end up different ppl come at the same time to do different things which cannot b done at the same time, like washing up n doing electricity.. -___-

managed to recover my msia photos.. yeah. was searching for portable sd card backup when i came across a data recovery software. den it recovered my photos! even those taiwan photos which i deleted long ago.. den i checked my camera manual n realised it only support up to 1gb card.. @$^#@! means my 2gb card is oni worth 1gb nia.. T.T

now blogger cannot upload unlimited photos, so sucky. aniway some photos below:

the twin towers

the indoor theme park at berjaya times square. the roller coaster ride was exciting but we couldnt see where it was going cos we couldnt lift up our heads. the force was too strong -.- otherwise it could have b scarier.. n the thing din rush down after the upward climb -__-. purposely sat at the last seat to experience the downward rush -__-

this ride looks v deceiving. sort of underestimated it.. looks tame but its realli fast n keeps turning n turning until the centripetal force forces u to slide to the side n cannot sit straight. quite exciting.. for the first time oni. the 2nd time was pain pain pain cos the pig crushed on me -__-

its so fast until the pic turned out blur.. lol

fort at malacca. legs jelly from shopping but still have to climb the stairs to the top. all the places of interest v close to each other so end up walking around malacca for the whole day. boei tahan

Woof! Woof! @ 11:57 AM


Thursday, December 20, 2007

msia trip

wanted to blog abt the trip but realised tat most of my pics r gone cos sd card corrupted. @$#%@^@. supposed to have fun travelling but end up with a bad experience n came home with a corrupted sd card n spoilt shoes. i hope that fucking idiot's hands rot off. tmd

unhappy things aside, the trip was not bad. bought 1 dress, 3 blouses, 1 jeans, 1 hp pouch n 1 pencil box. even though ppl say kl is the capital but i oni managed to buy 1 dress there.. the rest all bought from malacca, the place where ppl say its v small O.O. aniway i think midvalley megamall n klcc r kind of overhyped.. the megamall is similar to vivocity, v big n clothes not realli cheap. nxt time go kl can go to berjaya times square n sungei wang plaza instead.. din get to explore them much cos we spent the afternoon playing in the theme park. the rides r realli exciting! downtown east realli cannot compare to this one. oni sat a few rides twice n the rest once but end up with orh chehs on legs n arms. realli power. n the 360 deg ride was so fast until my specs dropped from my pocket. luckily i din pay $360 for nothing.. the specs not oni sustained the impact but oso managed to escape from being crushed by the machine ^.^

msia mrt realli complicated. their so-called interchange where the lines intersect is not at the same place but at 2 different places a few distance away.. n need to buy 2 tickets cos their lines dun belong to the same company. den somehow msia salesgals seem to think we r msian n almost all of them toke to us in malay -___-''.

realised we share similar tastes with my bro's gf n she makes a pretty gd shopping kaki, lol. everything we wear oso looks pretty to her. if not for her comments i doubt i would have bought the dress oso. mayb nxt time can jio her out for shopping

Woof! Woof! @ 10:05 PM


Friday, December 14, 2007

i saw a rainbow this afternoon! romantic sia.. lol

yest went flat viewing at sengkang.. realli wulu n inaccessible. no hawker centres nearby, no busstops.. so mani lights not on.. looks so lonely. den it suddenly hit me tat i will b moving out n staying away from my family.. suddenly felt a bit sad n lonely. but when i came home n my mum started nagging den the feeling went away.. hahaha

today i went to order hor fun for lunch.. den the woman preempted me by asking if i want to order soup. i said hor fun. den she say i always order either hor fun or soup so she was guessing which one i wanted to order.. -___-.. made me so paiseh. last time when i was working temp i oso often order the same food. den one day the uncle told me "our cutlet not bad hor. always c u order." -_____-''' y they like tat one har.. make ppl paiseh

realli cant stand the project lead in india.. always dump work on me without going through my team lead. n the faster i finish, the faster he dump.. @$@$$%! so irritated until i blocked him on IM.. haha. must force him to contact through email. today realli boei tahan den go complain to my team lead n ask him to assign work through the proper channel. must let him learn a lesson.. idiotic fellow. i going away on holidays tmr n still assign work today. seems like most of the colleagues in india all work like tat. promise the sky to the customers n den keep pressuring us to deliver their promises.. everyday ot like no life like tat. duno i work so hard got higher bonus or not.. or mayb i shldnt expect higher bonus.. got BONUS oredi happy liao.. since the lousy co going downhill.. -_______-

Woof! Woof! @ 9:54 PM


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


nowadays so mani things to settle.. -__-.. going msia for 4 days soon, den now hdb balloting started.. toke abt hdb flats realli sian. oni 316 new flats available n oredi got 3579 ppl bid on the 2nd day! madness. the more pissed off thing is the minister ask us not to b choosy n just get watever flat we can get n den slowly UPGRADE. siao. so mani ppl dun even have the chance to b choosy cos they dun even get to select their flats.. n wat slowly upgrade.. machiam flat v cheap like tat.. 200k leh.. move in means no more moving for the next 20 yrs.. unless u strike 4d or u earning million dollar pay like some ppl.. pui. den the bto flats need at least a few yrs to build.. still want more ppl to marry.. like tat everybody paktor 1st day shld go apply bto liao so can paktor n slowly wait for flat at the same time

tiling almost completed for the kitchen n toilet.. oni left the kitchen cabinets n toilet shower.. even though toilet can use liao but they nvr install the door.. -__-'''. last wkend the whole family went down to courts to buy lamps.. the lao mazi realli funni. pig keep choosing those yuan yuan lamps n romantic dim lights.. den my mum say so romantic later cook cannot c n end up veggies all cooked until yellow.. lol. seems like my bro n the pig more fashion sense. toke abt wat complement the color scheme of the kitchen blahblahblah.. o.O.. all the lamps look the same to me. nvr put up how to visualize nice or not? lol

going kl n malacca this sat! hopefully everything turns out ok.. at least this time is my bro planning so i can sit back n relax.. haha. shop shop shop! buy more clothes!

Woof! Woof! @ 10:17 PM


Thursday, December 06, 2007

4th day

today is the 4th day of the renovation! finally can c some results.. 1st day was dismantling the cabinets n walls, 2nd day was clearing the debris n duno do wat thing, 3rd day was layering one side of the wall with cement, today finally fix the tiles on one side of the wall! but still got long way to go.. -__-

boey tahan.. imagine the washing machine in the master bedroom, rice cooker, microwave, dining table, fridge n the tiles etc in the living room, laundry left hanging in ur room to dry.. -__-.. n so much dust everywhere.. hopefully nxt wk they finish doing the walls den at least not so much dust..

Woof! Woof! @ 9:49 PM


Monday, December 03, 2007

mid 20s birthday

yest was my birthday! 1 yr closer to 30.. *sob*. n some ppl forgot abt my birthday.. hmph. surprisingly an ex-colleague actually remembered it.. hmm.. aniway i made 3 wishes! though nvr blow candle.. still hope they come true! lol

my parents gave me the biggest birthday present i ever received in my entire life.. kitchen renovation on my birthday:

looks like a picture of an earthquake

entire kitchen gone..

now my house is like a refugee camp.. surviving on only one toilet. using it to wash dishes, do laundry, bath and do the daily releases.. lol. duno y they dun renovate the malfunctioning toilet first instead of the kitchen toilet.. n duno how we going to survive these 3 weeks! everyday dabao n put up with the cramped n messy space.. -__-. hope to c the brand new kitchen soon!

Woof! Woof! @ 10:33 PM


Sunday, December 02, 2007

super suay day

today is a series of suay-ness.. machiam kena curse like tat

first i broke a glass pot in the morning. well actually it exploded from the heat -__-. luckily i din kena otherwise mayb disfigured or injured liao. -__-... din manage to cook anything but end up have to spend 1 hr clearing the broken glasses. n it wasnt even completely clean cos my mum say my bro's army clothes got lots of glass pieces.. lol. suay until implicate another person.

den i left for jap exam 2 hrs b4 the exam time, but the stupid bus took so long to arrive. mayb not totally the bus's fault cos i slept on the mrt n overshot by 2 stops -__- but then it still took v long to arrive. n i tout 4 bus stops shld b quite fast but den it still took like 20 mins cos of the idiotic slow ppl alighting from the bus n all the traffic lights turned red. @$$%@!~! duno y these women cant take out their wallets from their bloody big bags n tap the ezlink card. instead, they must tap their bag all over the scanner b4 it can detect the card in their bag. see liao realli blood boil.. so stupid!

reached the bus stop 10 mins b4 the exam time. tout still got time.. somemore got 2 other guys n 2 gals going for the exam oso. turned out all of them walked in the same wrong direction.. so wat if guys can read maps n tell directions? all cant find the wulu jap sch n din even realise they were walking in the wrong direction.. by the time they realised something wrong we oredi walked for like 5 mins.. -__-.. n ended up its the gal n her other frens who just arrived who managed to find the place. one of the guy n gal went to the opp direction n hailed a taxi.. lol.

shld have joined my fren for her running practice.. so today she run her 10km marathon n i run my 800m dash. ran in the wrong direction for a few mins n ran to the sch for like 500m n its realli tiring! abt to give up liao since exam instructions say latecomers cannot enter exam venue. but then the woman at the ground floor helped me check my exam room so seems like still got hope. den she told me the classroom is at 3rd floor! wahlao.. oredi no strength liao still must climb 3 storeys.. run up stairs to 2nd storey, den walk up to 3rd storey. den the stupid classroom is at the end of the corridor. kns. realli want to make me collapse. showed up at the classroom 10 mins late with dishevelled hair, trembling hands n sweaty body -________-. wat a joke.. nvr been late for exam in my whole life b4

listening compre is a killer.. totally catch no ball. reading compre is another one. at least 6 passages to read.. almost ran out of time for the last few qns. turned out the first paper looks like the best one.. wat an irony.

tout the suay day is over, but the suayness can pass on to other people. bf's motorbike cabinet cover or watever its called dropped off while riding at the expressway.. haha. so incredible. wonder how it can get blown away when its locked.. seems like i realli suay until bring sai to other ppl

Woof! Woof! @ 9:58 PM


.:: ProFiLe ::.

Me Myself & I:



Music, horoscopes, tarot, TV, computer games, anime


Getting fat!

Inconsiderate smokers


张信哲, 光良, 梁静茹, F.I.R

Currently watching:

Prison Break 3, Hana Kimi

On waiting list:

Iryu 1 & 2, galileo, nodame, and tons of movies


Knitting stuffs


Jigsaw puzzles

More clothes ~~

.:: BloGs ::.

.:: Master of all pigs ::.
.:: Whitejoy ::.

.:: TaGbOaRd ::.

.:: LiNkS ::.

Animated Anime Gifs

KAO-ANI: Pixel Art & Cute Goodies

Free Tarot Readings

.:: ArcHiVes ::.

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February 2006 

March 2006 

April 2006 

May 2006 

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December 2006 

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February 2007 

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