Sunday, September 28, 2008

talk is cheap

a lot of ppl just toke n give advice, which is so easy esp when it doesnt concern them. "u shld like this like this, dun like this like tat. y dun u blahblahblah." n it gets v irritating when sometimes i just want some peace. tat's not all. certain things dun even involve them but yet they try to poke their noses into it n try to influence things, tat's wat make it worse. "y u nvr do this? it's not appropriate! u shld do this!" crap. wat makes u think i nvr thought of tat? i have my own reasons for doing this, so can u just handle ur own matters n dun kpo so much?

sometimes i find tat it gets worse when they noe more. they ask cos they want to noe, so i tell them, but it doesnt end there. instead, the more they noe, the more they ask. n it's v frustrating. to them, it's showing concern, but sometimes i just wish they stop asking n let me do things my own way. pls give advice only when i ask for it.

getting along with ppl is sometimes just so tiring tat i wish i live in my own world where it's just me me n me. v self-centred, but who cares. dun tell me nobody had this thought b4. den again, it's v easy to criticise ppl. i oso fall into the trap of giving unsolicited advice, n getting the same irritated response, though sometimes i try to b more conscious n refrain from doing tat. which is y i think it's karma. i'm getting the same treatment which i'm giving out to other ppl. wat goes round will come about. haiz.

Woof! Woof! @ 11:01 AM


Thursday, September 25, 2008


this wk we finally moved house! moved to a new office, not a hdb flat.. though i wished. the previous room was too small, so oni got a temp table n nothing else. now finally got a bigger table, cabinets, phone, n partition. in times of changes, ppl's "dark" side will appear. all of them appeared nonchalant but secretly went to the new room to chop the best seats. den when it came to the day to move, everybody started saying i booked this seat liao, y my paper not here?! lol. of cos end up i din get the best seat, but luckily my current cube not tat bad oso. i think the worst one is the cab guy's. he self-created a cube using a table at one corner. though nobody can c his monitor but he got no partition n no phone. hahaha. who ask him to fight with me over the best seat.

yest big boss treat the team to drinks after work. heng we reached earlier n went to eat dinner first, cos they oni ordered finger food n lots of beer. -.-. go there machiam like socialising. must raise profile a bit so performance appraisal will b better. haha. big boss ask the gal to drink beer, ask her to "perform well" later. the gal went "???". den the boss tried to explain himself: "表演, u noe?". everybody stunned. den another smaller boss say "no lah wat 表演. it's 表现!". ohhh... haha. so the boss is asking the gal to 表现 her drinking skills later. -__-'''. the boss still ask the gal if she understand chinese or not, b4 he stressed again if she understand "his type of chinese". pengz.

colleagues tried to make the manager drunk, but they heavily underestimated his drinking prowess. still say wat take video of his drunken state n use it to blackmail him later. haha. end up manager a bit high oni but the rest cannot tahan liao. me just sit at one side watch show.. heng nvr kena arrow, unlike the gal, cos she kept goading the rest to take on the manager, end up the rest all say she nvr "contribute" n kept wanting to fill up her glass. n she drank until her allergy acted up n she kept scratching herself today. lol. they say since the mgr can drink beer so well, nxt time they take him on with hard liquor. got show to watch liao..

Woof! Woof! @ 9:38 PM


Thursday, September 18, 2008

unwanted commentaries

today i brought some movies to watch in office (dun ask me y). i passed one of them (a ghost movie) to a guy n he watched in the morning. BIG MISTAKE. cos while i was watching in the afternoon, the rest who were chatting near my seat suddenly started watching behind me, even though there is no sound cos i was wearing earphones

gal: y like tat ah?
guy: cos blahblahblah.
gal: eeyer so gross
guy: where got. aiya not scary one
guy: the guy in the beginning blahblahblah........

n this continued for sometime, after which i boei tahan liao, so i hinted a bit:

me: u want to watch or not? i pass to u u watch lor. no sound not nice
gal: eh dun want. i dun dare to watch
me: but i can hear u all toking leh

n den they started toking again. walao eh. n when the show finally ended:

guy B to me: dun tulan leh
guy B to them: just now even i sit behind her oso can tell her face v smelly oredi
guy C: spoilers! got 2 commentaries beside her
guy: where got spoiler. i oni say the beginning n not the end part wat
gal: i tout she cannot hear...

pengz. i say until so obvious they still oblivious to it. it's realli 旁观者清 (though sometimes the pig call it 膀胱者. hahaha). seriously, who can enjoy a show with unnecessary commentaries beside u? n i'm not like guys who switch off their ears when they r watching tv, cos they cannot multi-task mah. pls b more 自动 ok? if want to toke at least dun toke so near or toke throughout the show, unless nobody is interested in watching the show. my father is also another one who likes to give a lot of comments during the show n its so irritating. sibeh inconsiderate, machiam other ppl dun need to watch the show or they got no eyes to see for themselves. pek chek!

Woof! Woof! @ 8:58 PM


Thursday, September 11, 2008


i almost got a shock just now when i saw one guy's newspaper on the bus. my bridal studio receipt number came out 1st prize in 4d! wah this is the first time got a related number come out 1st prize.. somemore nvr jump number. the most pissing thing is my mum just mentioned abt the number last wk. she said when i first showed her my wedding photos, it came out in consolation prize. den last week my ah ma came for visit n she forgot to pass her the photos, den it came out consolation prize again. den she asked me y i nvr buy. den this wk it came out 1st prize! *bang head* i wonder if it will come out again if i buy this weekend. haha.

i realised my lao ma more well-informed abt the neighbouring flat than me. nxt blk got one flat for sale she oso noe without me telling her, cos she saw the agent bringing clients for viewing. when the flat was sold, she oso noe without me telling her, cos she saw them doing renovation. i oni found out 2 days ago from the hdb website. -.-. den their bedroom wall got partly knocked off for a connecting door, this she oso noe without viewing the flat! cos she saw the hole when they doing reno.. pei fu pei fu. i say she must b v kpo, everyday go n peek from the kitchen. she say the contractors toke v loudly n make a lot of noise, so she can tell from the kitchen o.O. i say heng i nvr buy the flat, otherwise she everyday kpo from the kitchen. her face went -__-. hahaha

Woof! Woof! @ 9:24 PM


Thursday, September 04, 2008

i'm so auntie

today the guy ask me if i got budget for lunch and suggest we take cab to another nearby place to eat. wah piang, this is already the third time this week tat we r taking cab, but i say ok. if tmr he ask again den i reject liao, limit oredi. but heng lunchtime rain, so we went canteen to eat. halleluya! yest i said i hate rain but today the rain saved me. so ironic. while queueing up i just casually mention to the gal tat its exp to eat out, take cab everyday oso shiong. tats when the "suaning" came..

me: the tea here is free or not ah?
gal: i think no ba. y? u poor until no money to drink ah?
me: .... no lah just asking. last time my co one free de

after ordering the veggie rice..

gal: wah u so thrifty ah. order 2 dishes oni
me: ... order too much cannot eat finish mah
guy: just now say want to go out den start to rain. timing so gd
gal: everyday go out oso v exp
me: ....
gal: esp take cab everyday
me: -_____-
guy: ok wat, share liao den each person a few dollars oni
gal: we singles mah. 有人要结婚了,要省钱
me: .....
guy: oh.. okok
me: *bury head in food n continue eating* 结了婚变 auntie lor (must 以退为进 n poke fun at myself first so tat nxt time they dun suggest going out so often)

luckily i noe the gal is sagittarius, otherwise i sure feel offended. wat to do, sagittarius ppl r tactless, haiz.

after work i saw another colleague standing outside the busstop. sian. sometimes i rather take the bus alone. like tat den i can stand in front of the busstop n b the first few to board the bus. but since he stand outside i cannot b so anti social n stand alone rite. end up true enough, the bus came n i almost cannot board. thick skinned a bit n push my way up, then tadah! i boarded the bus. the guy din manage to squeeze up. feel v auntie, but wat to do when the bus is always so crowded AND u duno when the nxt bus is coming AND ur bus journey is 1 hr plus. super sian. die also must squeeze in.

later then another newer n better bus overtook my bus. -__-. but i bet if i nvr squeeze up the bus sure take v long to come. lol. its always like tat one..

Woof! Woof! @ 8:27 PM


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

i hate rainy days

these few days keep raining, esp at the time when ppl knock off. -__-. rainy days = traffic jam = bus late = super crowded bus. today even worse. the bus stopped at the busstop n i waited near the door for it to open. the bus driver not oni nvr open the door but he just drove off like tat. knn. still got space in front yet dun want to let us board. end up almost whole body drenched. arghhhhhh

rainy days almost always made me wish i have a car. no need to squeeze bus, no need to get wet. the oni time when i like the rain is when i'm at home nuahing. -__-. better dun rain on fri! want to go jogging.. these few days kept eating pui pui food, need to go exercise. the colleagues realli 馋嘴. like to eat a lot of tidbits or eat "gd" food (aka exp food) for lunch. so either my wallet become thin or i become fat, or both cases oso happen. -__-

Woof! Woof! @ 9:51 PM


Monday, September 01, 2008


been selling items online for quite sometime.. realli can get to "see" different types of ppl online. those that r more generous, to the extent of buying vouchers n getting them posted to overseas even though the vouchers r not valid in their countries -__-'''. n ppl that r more easy-going, willing to do meetups at my convenience or paying for registered postage. of cos there r other niao ppl.. ppl who r willing to buy vouchers to purchase a hundred bucks phone but r not willing to pay $0.26 for postage, n oso ppl who insist on meeting up for just one voucher, cos they scared i mail them a fake one, @$@##$. the worst kind r those who won the bid liao den went missing. n i kena 3 in a row, kns. n ebay is oso stupid one, cannot give bad rating to buyers cos they say later buyer scared seller give bad rating n den they kena bad rating oso. -__-''' wat kind of logic is this. aniway heck care them, hope they kena karma. hahaha

Woof! Woof! @ 10:32 PM


.:: ProFiLe ::.

Me Myself & I:



Music, horoscopes, tarot, TV, computer games, anime


Getting fat!

Inconsiderate smokers


张信哲, 光良, 梁静茹, F.I.R

Currently watching:

Prison Break 3, Hana Kimi

On waiting list:

Iryu 1 & 2, galileo, nodame, and tons of movies


Knitting stuffs


Jigsaw puzzles

More clothes ~~

.:: BloGs ::.

.:: Master of all pigs ::.
.:: Whitejoy ::.

.:: TaGbOaRd ::.

.:: LiNkS ::.

Animated Anime Gifs

KAO-ANI: Pixel Art & Cute Goodies

Free Tarot Readings

.:: ArcHiVes ::.

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January 2005 

February 2005 

March 2005 

April 2005 

May 2005 

June 2005 

July 2005 

August 2005 

September 2005 

October 2005 

November 2005 

December 2005 

January 2006 

February 2006 

March 2006 

April 2006 

May 2006 

June 2006 

July 2006 

August 2006 

September 2006 

October 2006 

November 2006 

December 2006 

January 2007 

February 2007 

March 2007 

April 2007 

May 2007 

June 2007 

July 2007 

August 2007 

September 2007 

October 2007 

November 2007 

December 2007 

January 2008 

February 2008 

March 2008 

April 2008 

May 2008 

June 2008 

July 2008 

August 2008 

September 2008 

October 2008 

November 2008 

December 2008 

January 2009 

February 2009 

March 2009 

April 2009 

May 2009 

June 2009 

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August 2009 

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October 2009 

November 2009 

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January 2010